License Plates

License Plate

Fee: $80

  • Copy of Passport or Cedula, whichever was used to title vehicle
  • Copy of title or Registro Unico De Propiedad Vehicular (What’s this?)
  • Copy of valid insurance
  • Copy of Revisado (What’s this?) make link to pop up window
  • Print this authorization form: Sign your name exactly as you sign your passport/Cedula on the line titled “Firma” DO NOT fill out the form.

This renewal process only applies to those cars registered in Panama City excluding the area of San Miguelito. If your vehicle is registered anywhere else a different process applies, please email us directly

To determine where your vehicle is registered look at the very bottom of your title.  If you would like to change your registration location visit the Change of Car Registration section.


Revisados are issued by an authorized garage/tire store. We have several locations in the Coronado area. You can use any authorized garage in Panama.

Locations in order of preference:


You can only get the Revisado in the month displayed on your plate, not beforehand.

Required Documents:

  • Copy of your passport or cedula whichever was used to title the vehicle

  • Copy of the Title or Registro


  • Copy of your insurance
  • All documents above can either be dropped off at MBE or signed, scanned and emailed to

  • Copy of Revisado (Read below on how to get a revisado

  • Signed Authorization Form. Simply sign on the line “firma” we will fill out the rest

  • Copy of your passport or cedula whichever was used to title the vehicle


They will check the system for any outstanding violations, if found you will need to pay them before they can issue the Revisado. If you have a Panamanian driver’s license most banks have an online system to make payment. If not, we can pay the ticket for you, fee is $20.00


If you fail to get your Revisado in the month that it is due there is a fine based on how many passengers your vehicle is rated to carry. This is a one time fine that ranges from $30.00-$50.00


All documents can be dropped off at Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) located in the Super 99 Plaza under the David Marquez folder. Or, you can scan and email the documents to this is the only document process that doesn’t require us to have the originals.


Please allow two weeks to process, you will be notified via email or WhatsApp when they are ready to be picked up.